Friday, August 14, 2015

Make Cycling Safer

My classmate wrote a blog post about the need for more law enforcement officers patrolling our roads. I agree 100% with what he said. As a cyclist myself, this issue hits very close to home. I went on a ride this evening and not once did I see a police officer. When I'm out on the road, I am always nervous about whether or not the cars approaching me will give me enough space. On a few occasions, I've had oncoming traffic swerve into my lane as a sick "joke." There's nothing funny about taking someones life. If there were more officers on patrol, I feel that people would not do such reckless things. 

Something that really struck me was a link he posted about the injustices cyclists face. From getting arrested for not wearing a helmet, to drivers intentionally ramming cyclists with no penalty. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Texas Needs A High-Speed Rail System

My classmate Kyle published an article regarding the building of a high-speed rail system connecting the "Texas Triangle" of cities, Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. I am in full support of a long-distance rail system in Texas. In other parts of the country, and the world, trains are an important part of life. It is an efficient mode of transportation that is also affordable.

While there is currently a passenger railroad in Texas, (the Texas Eagle) it doesn't reach enough of the state. The Texas Eagle runs from El Paso to San Antonio through Austin to Dallas then to Texarkana. This line completely misses most of north Texas and southeast Texas.

Timeliness is also an issue with the current Amtrak lines. To get from Austin to Dallas takes approximately six hours. Almost double what it takes to drive to Dallas. The fact that our American trains are relatively slow compared to our European and Asian counterparts is also a reason that our trains are so unpopular. In order to appeal to the general populous, trains need to be exciting again.

Kyle addresses many good points and also addresses the opposition.

Monday, July 27, 2015

West Attacks Clinton's Economic Plan

Allen West criticizes Hillary Clinton's economic plan in an opinion article for In it, West claims that "Clinton's economic policy speech provided nothing more than liberal progressive talking points." Adding that it could easily be "... a movie sequel called 'Hope and Change II.'" 

West's audience is likely right-leaning and already in agreement with many of the things that Allen West is going to say. While an opinion piece such as this one will probably go over well with West's supporters, as well as Clinton's opponents, it is unlikely that his opinion will affect anyone outside of those circles. As is the fault with many writers/critics, West points out Clinton's faults without actually providing any helpful alternatives or solutions. 

Allen West's credibility is not in question, as he is a highly educated individual, accomplished politician and President/CEO of the NCPA.

West's arguments and criticisms are sound and agreeable as he points out Clinton's contradictions and hypocrisies. He notes that Hilary seemed to assault the industry that has contributed greatly to her previous political efforts (though it may only be a publicity stunt and not an actual assault.) West also states that Americans don't mind higher taxes as long as there is clear economic growth and smaller government intrusion. According to West, however, Clinton offers neither. 

West touches on some interesting points, though I would like to see him suggest positive changes within this article.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Riding into chem class with a big iron on my hip.

Cullen Bohannon | Open Carry Enthusiast
Like the days of old, arguments may soon be settled quickly and indefinitely with the recent signing of the new open carry laws. Governor Greg Abbott passed both an open carry law, and a law enabling legal gun owners to carry their firearms on college campuses. Because open carry on college campuses has little precedent, it has generated reasonable fears. Noah Horwitz of The Daily Texan does an excellent job presenting both sides of the arguments.

Because The Daily Texan is a university newspaper, the intended audience is likely to be educated college students. Horwitz is a seemingly credible source, as he is an experienced journalist and is very well-spoken.

Horwitz argues that students shouldn't be allowed to open carry on college campuses. I am fairly impartial to the discussion. On one hand, I enjoy the idea of wearing a big iron on my hip. On the other hand, I'm slightly worried about the common irresponsible student having the ability to carry a pistol into their least favorite professors class.

You can read the Horwitz article here.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Wanted: Donations Needed for Underprivileged Governor.

$17.8 million dollars.
That is how much Governor Greg Abbott has made in campaign donations. He received $8.2 million of it after he had already taken office. Individuals on his donor list includes men and women that Abbott has appointed to influential state boards. While it's not a long article, it's worth a read. I never considered that the governor would continue to take donations months after he was elected.