Monday, July 27, 2015

West Attacks Clinton's Economic Plan

Allen West criticizes Hillary Clinton's economic plan in an opinion article for In it, West claims that "Clinton's economic policy speech provided nothing more than liberal progressive talking points." Adding that it could easily be "... a movie sequel called 'Hope and Change II.'" 

West's audience is likely right-leaning and already in agreement with many of the things that Allen West is going to say. While an opinion piece such as this one will probably go over well with West's supporters, as well as Clinton's opponents, it is unlikely that his opinion will affect anyone outside of those circles. As is the fault with many writers/critics, West points out Clinton's faults without actually providing any helpful alternatives or solutions. 

Allen West's credibility is not in question, as he is a highly educated individual, accomplished politician and President/CEO of the NCPA.

West's arguments and criticisms are sound and agreeable as he points out Clinton's contradictions and hypocrisies. He notes that Hilary seemed to assault the industry that has contributed greatly to her previous political efforts (though it may only be a publicity stunt and not an actual assault.) West also states that Americans don't mind higher taxes as long as there is clear economic growth and smaller government intrusion. According to West, however, Clinton offers neither. 

West touches on some interesting points, though I would like to see him suggest positive changes within this article.

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