Friday, August 14, 2015

Make Cycling Safer

My classmate wrote a blog post about the need for more law enforcement officers patrolling our roads. I agree 100% with what he said. As a cyclist myself, this issue hits very close to home. I went on a ride this evening and not once did I see a police officer. When I'm out on the road, I am always nervous about whether or not the cars approaching me will give me enough space. On a few occasions, I've had oncoming traffic swerve into my lane as a sick "joke." There's nothing funny about taking someones life. If there were more officers on patrol, I feel that people would not do such reckless things. 

Something that really struck me was a link he posted about the injustices cyclists face. From getting arrested for not wearing a helmet, to drivers intentionally ramming cyclists with no penalty. 

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