Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Riding into chem class with a big iron on my hip.

Cullen Bohannon | Open Carry Enthusiast
Like the days of old, arguments may soon be settled quickly and indefinitely with the recent signing of the new open carry laws. Governor Greg Abbott passed both an open carry law, and a law enabling legal gun owners to carry their firearms on college campuses. Because open carry on college campuses has little precedent, it has generated reasonable fears. Noah Horwitz of The Daily Texan does an excellent job presenting both sides of the arguments.

Because The Daily Texan is a university newspaper, the intended audience is likely to be educated college students. Horwitz is a seemingly credible source, as he is an experienced journalist and is very well-spoken.

Horwitz argues that students shouldn't be allowed to open carry on college campuses. I am fairly impartial to the discussion. On one hand, I enjoy the idea of wearing a big iron on my hip. On the other hand, I'm slightly worried about the common irresponsible student having the ability to carry a pistol into their least favorite professors class.

You can read the Horwitz article here.

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